Category: simulation

  • Academic education, professional education & technology

    I  contributed a chapter to a book just out, edited by Oliver Goodenough and Marc Lauritsen, entitled Educating the Digital Lawyer (New Providence, NJ, Matthew Bender, 2012).  You can access an EPUB ebook version of the book free of charge (if you can’t access EPUBs, see discussion here).  It’s blogged by Stephanie Kimbro here and over…

  • Interpretation, narrative, sim learning

    You know how it is: you talk about things at a seminar or workshop, and then you rehearse it afterwards, the things you should have said, directions you might have taken but didn’t.  One of the things I should have talked about in the optional APLEC workshop, if there had been time, was the power…

  • Standardized clients @ ANU Legal Workshop

    Still catching up on AU activities, before the plane later today flies me back to northern winter.  As Adjunct Prof at ANU I spent the earlier part of the week training Standardized Clients at ANU’s Legal Workshop, and simultaneously training the staff under Margie Rowe’s capable direction who will take on the future training.  Our…

  • APLEC, Saturday am, presentation 1

    In the first of the small group sessions on Saturday, I attended the ‘Addressing Stakeholders Needs’ stream. First up was Helen McGowan, on ‘The Bush lawyer pipeline: service learning and practical legal training in regional Australia’. Legal aid, aboriginal community service and other adjacent services that were RRR — regional, rural and remote [check out the videos…

  • APLEC, Friday am, presentations, 1 & 2

    In the paper sessions Deborah Ankor gave a very interesting presentation on her work and Lucy Evans’, at Flinders, modestly titled ‘Simulation on a shoestring: or how does one create a virtual experiential space with no more than an ancient learning management system’. There was reference to my work, but Deborah is taking the heuristic forward…

  • APLEC 2012 conference, University of Technology, Sydney

    I’m at the APLEC conference (Australasian Professional Legal Education Council), held this year in UTS, Sydney, having been invited by Maxine Evers to give one of the keynotes at the conference on the Friday am.  Slides for that are over on the Slides page. On the Thursday pm prior to the conference I gave a…