Category: Uncategorized

  • SC Workshop: Simulated clients in PREP

    The final presentation of the workshop, from Erica Green and Angela Yenssen.  For background, see PREP.  Erica gave us a short overview of the PREP model (spiral learning, TELL > SHOW > PRACTICE > PERFORM > REFLECT > DEMONSTRATE). SCs were introduced throughout the 4 phases of the program thus: Phase 1: Foundation Modules LSIA…

  • SC Workshop: Making students client-ready: A new model in legal education

    John was the initiator of this radical bar program (running since 2005) in New Hampshire, working with the Supreme Court of NH to produce what has been a sigificant innovation in US legal education.  The graduates of the program achieve admission to the New Hampshire bar based upon demonstrated mastery of practical legal skills and…

  • SC Workshop: demo interview & panel

    In these two sessions we’re focusing on how things look from the (student) lawyer and SC perspectives.  In the interview, our student did a superb job with a difficult scenario, which didn’t have an obviously legal solution to it, and required a bit more information to understand what seemed to be a straightforward storyline.  Our…

  • SC Workshop: Noel Semple

    Noel talked about his use of SCs at Windsor U Law JD program, in the Windsor Legal Practice Simulation (WLPS) which he directs.  It is a mandatory course for all 160 1L students. It takes place over 4 days in November, during which time the students have no other classes.  Simulated clients are an integral part…

  • SC Workshop: Plenary

    It’s Friday 29 April, and our long-planned SC Workshop (SCW) is starting.  It’s hosted by Angela Yenssen and myself.  Angela is a Toronto lawyer, used to be my wonderful RA, and worked with me on many projects including SC projects at Osgoode.  She’ll be chairing most sessions, and I’ll be liveblogging the sessions where I…

  • Invitation to our Osgoode Sim Client Workshop

    For the last four years or so I’ve been working on a variety of projects with faculty in Osgoode Hall Law School & Osgoode Professional Development (OPD) and in Ontario more generally, and with regulators across Canada.  One project is the use of Sim Clients (SCs) in JD legal education, primary professional courses and CPD…

  • BILETA22 conference: Final thoughts and farewells

    This was a braw, brave conference.  James Griffin and Exeter were our hosts, and they did us proud with an ambitious hybrid format that was a first for a BILETA conference and that’s damn difficult to organise.  Kudos to all who organised and assisted.  The Oxford Abstracts conference software was so useful, again, as it…

  • BILETA22: Day 2: Parallel session: Future Technologies

    Post-lunch, and still motoring here, though battery levels dropping.  Final parallel paper session of the conference and I’m in on the Future Tech stream, hanging on to the coat-tails of presenters’ expertise across a dizzying array of topics and technologies.  Sitting in on sessions like these when it’s not your expert area sure soaks up…

  • BILETA22: Day 2: Plenary and legal education stream

    First up, yours truly giving the second keynote, on legal education.  Slides in the usual place at the Slides tab above, and can be downloaded from Slideshare.  More of that at a later date. In the paper sessions, it’s legal education time, and Claudy Op den Kamp (Bournemouth) is first up, on ‘”Collagementary” as a…

  • BILETA22: Day 1: Digital, cloud & internet regulation & governance

    Catching up on the day job, so missed a couple of streams. First our Chair of BILETA, Abbe Brown of Aberdeen U Law Faculty.  Her paper, Regulatory creativity: Combination and coherence? explored  legal and regulatory creativity as different actors and regimes seek – directly and indirectly, deliberately and perhaps not – to draw together different…

  • BILETA22: Day 1, Digital Cultures stream

    First up is Nadia Feci and Valerie Verdoodt (KU Leuven & UGent), on the ‘Legal implications of monetising creativity on video-sharing platforms: Hobby, side-hustle or career?’ One of Nadia’s directions of research is investigating the line between professional and hobbyist in the area of user-generated videos (UGV) – typically bloggers, vloggers, influencers, game-streamers (Twitch), etc. …

  • BILETA 2022

    Well that was quite a hiatus.  Almost a year to the day with no posts, and I’m now at another BILETA conference – this time, my last.  Which is not to say that I’ve had nothing to say for a year.  Perhaps it would be best to say that energies have been put to other…